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Author: Ian Serraillier Theme Unit - activities, vocabulary,... - Teaching Resources Literature Units Author Theme Units Author Ian Serraillier Theme Unit Literature Book Units by Ian Serraillier Escape from Warsaw (Grades 4-6) Request a ... |
Grandpa's Sailboat - Grandpa's Sailboat Ian loved Grandma. She always had treats for him. He loved Grandpa, too. They had fun. Ian went to their house after school every day. Grandma gave him something ... |
Half a Chance (part 2) - Montrose lit the lamp in his workshop. It was uncommonly quiet. Mara usually called him to ... It should have been alive with lights. Was Mara sick in bed? Montrose opened the door of ... |
Dragon Trouble (part 1) - a mass of people working their way up the long road toward the farm of Montrose and Mara. ... He landed behind a row of trees and walked toward the house and barn. 3 Mara heard him ... |
Dragon Trouble (part 3) - Dragon Trouble (part 3) By Mary Lynn Bushong 1 The men wanted to see the dragon, so Mara was sent to fetch him. Warbret waited for Mara behind the house. "What are you doing here?" ... |
Half a Chance (part 1) - "Stop it!" cried Mara as she tried to twist the broom from her husband's hands. "Warbret's ... He's a gentle creature, which you would see if you gave him half a chance." Mara slowly ... |
Panda Pandemonium - Reading Comprehension for July 14 Ian looked over the books on the bookshelf. "Mom!" he called, frustrated. "I'm in the office!" Mom called back. Ian went to the office. "Is the ... |
The Red Snap Dragon, Part 3 - Now he had to go and explain what had happened to Mara and Montrose. He suspected they wouldn't be very sympathetic. "You did what?" fumed Mara. She started to rise from where she ... |
Spies for the Union - Vocabulary challenging words: best-organized, interrogation, contraband, washerwoman, ... to be suspicious of someone before bringing them in for interrogation and imprisonment. ... |
El velero del abuelo - Translation by Traductor TT 1 Ian amaba a su abuela. Ella siempre tenía dulces para él. Él amaba a su abuelo también. Se divertían juntos. 2 Ian iba a la casa de ellos todos ... | - Spelling - to deter rioters. 6. Thi candidates require more than 50 percent of votes to win a seat. 7. He was the youngest person to sail solo across thi Pacific Ocean. 8. The family ... | - Spelling - to deter rioters. 6. Thi candidates require more than 50 percent of votes to win a seat. 7. He was the youngest person to sail solo across thi Pacific Ocean. 8. The family ... |
--No Title-- - gihvuh 6. your yiwr yuorr yur 7. fuuhn funn fun fuh 8. the thi thuhh thu 9. wunt want woont wont 10. thiis this thes thi Answer Key 0715233 1. hass hazz has hes 2. whoti whiti ... |
--No Title-- - gihvuh 6. your yiwr yuorr yur 7. fuuhn funn fun fuh 8. the thi thuhh thu 9. wunt want woont wont 10. thiis this thes thi Answer Key 0715233 1. hass hazz has hes 2. whoti whiti ... |
--No Title-- - Something that gives you amusement, pleasure, or enjoyment. thi thiss wiet fun white fohn ... To need or require something. woont the satt want wunt thu sat thi 3. Which word is ... |
--No Title-- - Something that gives you amusement, pleasure, or enjoyment. thi thiss wiet fun white fohn ... To need or require something. woont the satt want wunt thu sat thi 3. Which word is ... |
Olympics Theme Unit - 3. vi____tory 4. trac____-and-field 5. basket____all 6. hammer ____hrow 7. def____at 8. mara____hon 9. skeet shoo____ing 10. silver med____l 11. divi____g 12. Mark Spi____z 13. ... |
Olympics Theme Unit - 3. vi____tory 4. trac____-and-field 5. basket____all 6. hammer ____hrow 7. def____at 8. mara____hon 9. skeet shoo____ing 10. silver med____l 11. divi____g 12. Mark Spi____z 13. ... |
Dragon Trouble (part 2) - of course." 4 "When was it that he spoke to you about this?" asked Mara. 5 "Why, it was just a few days ago when he came to me and mentioned that a dragon had been seen up here. ... |
Dragon Trouble (part 2) - of course." 4 "When was it that he spoke to you about this?" asked Mara. 5 "Why, it was just a few days ago when he came to me and mentioned that a dragon had been seen up here. ... |